Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Clashes and Battles

Another omnibus entry for painting and games for Warmachine and Hordes. Just like the last post I've gotten a fair frequent number of games in and wanted to share some of the photos and results. In future posts I'm going to track a bit closer the actual games--as I've been completing my two forces (Skorne and Menoth), I've been a little gun shy given the incomplete paint jobs of some of my models.

 So why not start with an unfinished model? This is the in-progress shot of the Siege Animantarax. He's mostly painted as of now (as you can see in some of the shots below), but he's not finished. So this is the best close-up of him I've got. I love the model, though he's pretty meh in the rules. 

 These are shots from a four-player teams game that pitted my Skorne and Dan's Circle of Orboros against Tony's Trollbloods and Rico's Rhulic Mercenaries. Each player brought a 40 point force. 

The worms of death lead the way in front of eHexeris' forces on my side of the line. 

eKaya led her (beautifully painted) druids on the left flank. 

The Dwarves and Ogruns on the opposing side advanced confidently in the shadow of their massive colossal. 

Look at that line of weapon master trolls. Just nasty, with Borka leading the way. I love the classic Trollblood scheme of the force. 

eKaya's gambit to teleport up into the Rhulic caster's face managed to keep the forces distracted long enough for my side to generate an advantage in the victory points total. My Skorne managed to get a Titan into the Trollblood Warlock's face and finish him, while the Dwarves finally took out eKaya. With each side down one caster, the victory points slanted our way and the alliance of Skorne and Druids triumphed. 

Here are some shots from a different and smaller multi-player game. Roger's excellent fox-themed Circle of Orboros face off against my Skorne. 

Meanwhile Dan's militaristic-themed Retribution clamored to the objective in the middle of the board. 

I fielded my first different Warlock for this game: eMorghoul instead of eHexeris. He was not as impressive as I had hoped. He definitely pulled off his "trick": being thrown by a Titan forward while under the effects of a Cyclops Brute's no-knockdown animus, sacking his action and instead moving up to the enemy caster and casting flashing blade a bunch of times. Yet the trick is generally a losing proposition. Had to play back to pull it off, requires a ton of different pieces to be effective, and countered the instant the enemy knows it is coming. Plus, eMorghoul is as fragile as a leaf in autumn. He was defeated by an elf mage and an elf mechanic on a subsequent turn when he got knocked down. The fox-themed Druids ended up winning the game because of caster deaths, though the Elves had the moral victory of scoring 5 objective points to the Druids' 1 and my Skorne's 0. 

Finally, I've also been working on my Menoth. I wanted to have a Warmachine faction as well as a Hordes one, and while I enjoy my Skorne a great deal thus far, I wanted the option. I went for the most standard caster, good old starter-box Kreoss, to begin with. He's effective with a mean feat, so I'm not minding at all. 

This Monolith Bearer from the Zealots unit shows the color scheme I'm working on for the force. They're creams and reds, with the red confined to the "totally not a cross" Menofixes and the dust masks on peasants. 

And this is the color for the Warjacks. I wanted to try a non-metallic color scheme, so all the "metal" areas on all the models you see are in shades of grey. As for the color plates, it's dominant brown with white and orange highlights. It seems odd at first, but I really kinda like it. 

Here's a completed Vassal Mechanic showing the mix of non-metallic metals and other color schemes on an infantry model. 

And of course... what Menoth army would be complete without Wracks? These miserable fellows are honestly pretty miserable on the battlefield too. Yet they're so cool looking and thematic for my zealotry-themed army that I wanted to paint up a set. And they're essential for my first alternate Warcaster choice. It won't take too long to guess who it is!

In all, lots of good games in a month's time and some good painting progress as well. I'm hoping to record more detailed battle narratives as I complete more painting--so stay tuned for those.

Battles (Privateer Press):
Overall Total 2015: 13 (Win/Loss: 10/3/0)

4 Wins (eHexeris v Fiona; eHexeris v Sorscha; eHexeris v eMorvahna; eHexeris and eKaya team v Ossrum and Borka)
2 Losses (eHexeris v Kromac; eMorghoul v Kaelyssa/Kaya)

Protectorate of Menoth:
2 Wins (Kreoss v eMorvahna, Kreoss v Kaelyssa)
0 Losses

Legion of Everblight:
4 Wins (Absylonia v eCaine; Vayl v Kaya; Vayl v Sorscha; Saeryn v Sorscha)
1 Loss (Absylonia v Fiona)

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